General Information

General Information

The Embassy extends following consular services:

i.    Issuance of new Machine Readable Passport (MRP)

ii.   Re-issue of expired/lost  passport

iii.  Issuance of Travel Permit

iv.  Issuance of Visa/ NVR

v.   Issuance of Interim Birth Registration Certificate (IBRN)

vi.  Consular attenstation of documents

vii.  Execution of Power of Attorney 

viii. Issuance of miscellaneous consuler certificate

About Machine Readable Passport

Bangladesh Embassy in Brussels has started enrollment of Machine Readable Passport (MRP). The expatriate Bangladeshi citizens who possess hand written passport are requested to apply for Machine Readable Passport. They are encouraged to apply online at the following weblink:

Some practical information is given below:

I.For new Machine Readable Passport (MRP), the applicant must have a hand-written passport/ copy of hand-written passport.

II. If he/she does not possess a 17 digit birth registration number or Bangladesh National Identity Card (NID), he/she will have to apply for Interim Birth Registration Number in the Embassy.

III. Prior appointment is required to process the MRP application, to take photographs and take fingerprints as required in the MRP.

IV.MRPs are printed in Dhaka. If all processes take place in time, the MRP will be ready for delivery at least one month after your enrollment.

For those who have lost their valid Bangladeshi passport:

Application for new MRP would require the documents

i. Police Report

ii. Photocopy of the information pages/ Biopages (first 1-5 pages in case of hand written manual passport) of the lost passport

iii. National ID card/Nationality Certificate/Birth Certificate

For Government Officials relevant GO (Government Order) would be required.


Application for Re-issue of MRP (In case of expiry)

1. Filled in re-issue application form

2. Old main passport along with a photocopy of its bio-page

3. Passport size photos (two copies)

4. Copy of Bangladeshi National ID card/ Birth Registration Certificate

Consular Hours: Applications for all kind of consular services (Like issuance of passports, visa, legalization/consular attestation of documents) are accepted between 09:30 AM and 11:30 AM. Delivery time is between 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM. No application will be received after 11:30 AM.

Consular Fees: Please check Consular Fee and Service section for detailed information.

NO REFUNDS:  Fees, once received, cannot be refunded.

Processing Time: Please check Consular Fee and Service section for detailed information. May please be noted that strict time schedule may not always be possible to maintain in cases where we need response from concerned authorities.

Possible query:  If you have any question or query relating to consular services, please go through the website first; if not satisfied please mail to or  call: +32-(0)2-640 5500 from Monday through Friday between 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM.